Innovative online
sales training

Provide engaging training with an add-on to your Silverstripe website

We’ve seen our clients create some fabulous and innovative online training using our simple Silverstripe training add-ons. They’re able to keep their staff, customers and/or vendors on point with the latest info about their products and services.

If you’ve got the ideas, we can help you to plan and roll out a training system that’s easy to set up and maintain, that makes learning fun, enables users to see their progress and, if you decide to go that way, can reward them for their progress.

You can add videos, images, text and assessments, as well as incorporating feedback about how each individual is going, how their team is going in comparison with others and, as one client has done, you can incorporate rewards.

Points dashboard
Points dashboard

One client has combined online training and rewards – Learn and Earn

A sales-based business asked us design and create an online training system that was co-designed with their staff and sales reps. This was designed to keep everyone’s product knowledge up to date, so reps could confidently recommend specific products to customers in store.

To encourage the reps to take part in the online training, we built in several incentives. Reps would earn reward points they could redeem against the company’s products each time they completed a certain number of training modules. This was a sweet deal, as the company sells high-end, specialised tools that are highly regarded by tradespeople.

We also tapped into the power of competition, by showing leaderboards comparing the training results of different reps and also different companies, as well as their sales achievements.

How much does it cost to get an online training module added to a website?

Obviously it depends on your existing system, however it might be cheaper than you think, and pay for itself rapidly, significantly increasing your income or decreasing your training effort.

Learning video content
Learning video content

How might this work?

For one client, Milwaukee Tools, Australia, we created an online supplier training that gave suppliers points which converted to product discounts for every module they completed.

Suppliers and reps could train from anywhere and learn about new products, refresh their knowledge or hear about changes.

Your organisation could use a similar system to provide incentives for your staff, students or suppliers to learn online.  

The Milwaukee Tools project offered:

  • Self-paced video learning
  • Point-based reward incentives
  • A consistent, controlled learning environment to provide current information and maximise product knowledge


  • Looked professional
  • Encouraged suppliers to keep up to date with new products and information
  • Was easy to maintain and create or update learning modules
  • Was enjoyable and easy to use to learn
  • Provided incentives in the form of points which could be used to purchase products.
  • Targeted conversations: ability to identify dealers and reps and see what information they’ve already learned and what they still need to know

For this customer, we proposed a system that used two incentives: a leaderboard and a rewards approach.

All the dealers could see where they and their reps sat in terms of their training (and therefore, their product knowledge and expertise) and individuals could also see how many training points they’d earned, which could be exchanged for products.