Our 4-day work weeks: so far, so good ...

Published Sep 28, 2023, 8:50 AM
Written by Amanda Brown

The Symbiote team talk about what life's like with a 4-day work week.

Great for kids and carers: I feel empowered as a working mum. My baby and I get 3 days of each week to ourselves, and during the 4 days of work baby is off to childcare to meet his cute little friends. This balance helps us thrive rather than just having to survive through the week!

They want to work here: Almost everyone (even those working in other fields than what we do at Symbiote) instantly responded with, “Which company is this? Can I join?” as their first reaction, especially after hearing there is no pay-cut nor longer hours on the 4 work days.


Having a free weekday is incredibly useful: Not that Symbiote wasn't considerate and flexible already, however I now have a weekday off to get things done that can only be done during office hours.

It’s given me a burst of energy: Suprisingly, I have a true sense of balance. A 4-day week was something I was pondering last year, before I started at Symbiote. I didn't think something like this was even possible, at least without sacrificing something else.

Friends can’t believe it: When I mention my 4-day week to family or friends, the question that usually follows is: "So, how many hours are you working in a day"? When I say, "It’s the same hours as it was before, just one less day in a week" it is usually met with disbelief but they seem energized at the same time.

Nimish - Tech Lead
Nimish - Tech Lead
Nimish - Tech Lead
Nimish - Tech Lead

Togetherness with partners: My wife also has Wednesday off so we can do adult things like go and have a coffee without needing to stop kids fighting.

Friday's on my mind (for good reasons): Fridays have been super productive so far; usually I'm drained by about 2pm and just looking forward to the weekend, I'm now looking forward to a big clear section of time to get things done.


Outdoorsy and indoorsy pursuits: The Wednesday off is allowing me to spend more time climbing and helping my parents at their farm. Now my week is split into 2 smaller weeks I feel more productive on Friday and ready to catch up with friends for long boardgame sessions.


Goodbye to the end-of-week energy slow-down: Thanks to my Wednesday off, I no longer taper off towards the end of the week.

Mid-week expeditions with the littlies: We can take our daughter to places on a quiet Wednesday that would normally be bustling with people on the weekend. It's priceless.

What my family said: "Sounds a little too good to be true..." 


More energy for actual fun: ‘I've had more energy to do things outside of work hours. It hasn't just given me an extra day off, it's made the other days off more fun because I'm not exhausted.’

No more Sunday sinking feelings: ‘Sunday nights don't have that dread thinking about the work week ahead, probably because I'm feeling well rested.’

Nope, no pay cut, just an extra day off: People I've spoken to seem so surprised that we're not making up time the other days or taking a pay cut!
