Privacy is important


Our privacy policy describes how we handle personal information. When we collect this information, we comply with the rules set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

Personal Information means any information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable whether the information or opinion is true or not, and whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not. 

This policy applies to Symbiote directors, staff and contractors. When we refer to “we” in this policy it means all these people. 

We sometimes update our privacy policy. When we do, we’ll put an up-to-date version on our website.

Collecting information

We collect information when we do business with you. This includes when:

  • We provide services to you or your organisation

  • We obtain services from you or your organisation

  • You apply for work with us

  • You participate in a survey or other research activity

We collect it directly from you, via another contact in your organisation or through a third party.

The information we collect can include: 

  • your name, date of birth, job title and contact details

  • your employment history and qualifications and other details that allow us to employ you 

  • information about your personal circumstances such as age and gender, education history and the language you speak 

We collect this information in a variety of ways, including paper-based forms, electronic forms, online (through our websites, as well as email), in person and over the phone. 

When we collect personal information and whenever it’s reasonable to do so, we’ll tell you why we are collecting the information, whether the collection is required or authorised by law, and any person or body who we would usually disclose the information to. To achieve this, we’ll mainly use privacy collection notices on our forms and online portals.

Using your information

We use your information to help deliver services, manage our business and comply with the law. This includes:

  • providing the services to clients

  • doing research, planning, and risk management

  • marketing our services

  • organising events

  • assessing and considering applications from prospective employees and contractors

  • managing insurance

  • complying with our legal obligations

We won’t disclose your information unless you tell us we can or we are required to by law. 

How we store your information

We store personal information on our secure cloud drives, which are in Australia. We are a technology company - we take steps to keep protect information from misuse, interference, loss, and unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

We try not to use paper for collecting information, but when we do, we digitise the hardcopy and shred and recycle the original. 

Accessing and correcting your personal information

You can ask for a copy of your personal information that we hold. You can ask us to update or correct it.

We may charge a fee for the time we spend finding and putting together the information you want. If there’s a fee, we’ll let you know upfront. We’ll try to make your personal information available within 30 days after your request. Sometimes we might need to refuse access to information if it is commercially sensitive. If we do that, we’ll tell you why.

You can ask to correct or update your personal information. If we don’t think the information needs correcting, we’ll tell you. 

We will need to confirm your identity before we provide or update any information.

Website use information

When you access our website, we collect information that is sent by your browser to our website. Information that is collected includes IP address, browser type, operating system, language, time zone setting, access times and any referring website addresses. 

Complaints and enquiries

To make an enquiry/complaint about how we handle your information, or to access or correct the personal information we hold about you, contact us on [email protected]

If you’re not satisfied with how we have managed your complaint, you can ask us to review your complaint. Or you can complain to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at the following address:

GPO Box 5218
Sydney NSW 2001
[email protected]