Symbiote – simpler digital tech for better days

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Simple, secure, templated government websites

Creating and maintaining great-looking, branded DIY websites is easy for NSW Government’s Department of Premier and Cabinet, with the right tools, skills and support

The challenge

Governments face a great deal of scrutiny. It’s essential that their digital systems provide reliable information and services to the people that need it, when they need it.

Our client, the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC), needed to create and maintain robust websites in house, so they could respond rapidly and provide information to the public as required.

DPC needed a solution that worked across multiple technologies to securely and seamlessly tie together and serve up information from a plethora of internal and external data sources.

They needed a technology partner who would be responsive, agile and flexible enough to work with their existing systems and simplify their website creation and maintenance processes.

Image 1: Example of the website we built for the Premier’s Department for the NSW Government. View the live website.

What we did

We’ve worked with NSW Government agencies over the past ten years, giving them personal and technical support so they have the skills and tools to deliver exceptional customer service.

Our team members worked directly with NSW DPC teams to give them the expertise they needed to manage their websites themselves. Our personal approach enabled them to learn and have the confidence to train new staff without having an ongoing dependency on us or any other provider.

The technical response included developing a robust web platform and solid core template as part of a customisable content management system (CMS). We analysed all DPC’s interrelated systems and developed secure pipelines and integrations so relevant data could be displayed on their website.

Agencies who use our services have created the Department of Premier and Cabinet website, the Office for Veterans Affairs website and eBook, the Invest Regional NSW website and the NSW Industrial Relations website.

Image 2: Example of the Government Service Recognition Tool we built for NSW Government.

“We’ve delivered a wide range of digital solutions for the NSW government including UX reviews, website and app design, web development, and website hosting. We use the Silverstripe CMS as a digital delivery platform and provide hosting on a reliable, resilient and available AWS environment that perfectly meets the client’s diverse needs.”

– Marcus Nyeholt – Head of Technology, Symbiote

Websites we manage and host

The result

The best solution for DPC’s needs has proven its worth over the past decade.

The DPC have used the the tools and expertise we provided to remain agile and flexible, while delivering exceptional digital experiences.

One of the most critical factors to the success of this partnership is our ability to deliver robust solutions quickly.

“We work closely with internal technology teams at DPC to build skills and capabilities within our solutions. Their teams can move fast and work effectively with the knowledge that they have our full support and capability to help them drive organisational goals.”

Owen Windsor – Managing Director, Symbiote

More case studies …

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