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Justin Matthies

Project Manager and Scrum Master | Confluence connoisseur


Justin has worked in the digital tech field for over a decade and has experience in delivering online education and large government projects.

He brings warmth, clarity and attention to detail to his roles of project manager and Scrum Master. He’s a skilled listener and motivator who can get the best out of everyone on a team.

As Scrum Master, Justin brings together cross-functional teams of multiple vendors by focusing on team health and creating psychological safety. He forms and leads project teams by ensuring everyone involved has the information and resources they need to deliver on time. Teams love his lively mind and Agile mindset – always asking questions and looking for new and better ways to do things.

My Why

“I enjoy working with our diverse team of smart people and hearing their ideas. We get to work on projects that have a huge impact on a lot of people, and that is super rewarding.”

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