Customer Experience (CX)

Get inside the heads of the people who’ll use your digital environment to build exactly what they need

What is customer experience (CX)?

Our CX process includes co-design, personal interviews, workshops and engagement with your team and your users, to quickly explore their needs and preferences with lo-fi models – saving development time and making it easy for the right people to contribute at the right times.

Co-design is a key part of our built-in change management process. When people are involved from the start, they are more supportive of a project and they help us create a product that requires less training and support, because it works the way they need it to.

Our human-centred design processes include different parts of our project team so everyone understands the way people who’ll use your system.

What’s different about how we do customer experience at Symbiote?

The proven Symbiote method of CX dives deeply with a relatively small, carefully selected group of users. This intensive approach enables us to rapidly build trust while incorporating change management into the process. When we engage with the same people throughout a project process we learn all kinds of additional information they’d never offer in a large-scale, Q&A style of engagement.

We’re people-people. Our CX process involves the right people at the right time to develop digital technology that will give all of your users what they need.

How can CX benefit your project?

Read more about customer experience

Case studies

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